WE CARE Ministries invites you to join us in loving God and loving people by volunteering with us! Without our volunteers, we would be unable to do even a small fraction of what we do. Make a difference today!

Assisting the


of Weakley County

since 1973

WE CARE Ministries is an ecumenical Christ-centered ministry that exists to share the love of Christ beyond the physical help of the moment. Our purpose is to draw people closer to Christ by helping to meet their basic financial needs in times of crisis or transition according to biblical directives. WE CARE becomes a link to join those who desire to use their resources to help others with those who are in need of assistance.

Thrift Store now open Mondays 3 - 6 PM

Did you know?

WE CARE Ministries began in 1973 by the First United Methodist Church of Martin with a donation for $3,600 designated to be used for people, and not for bricks and mortar.

For I was hungry

and you gave me something to eat

Matthew 25:35

In 2023, WE CARE Ministries provided groceries for 2,187 families in Weakley County. This cost was $528,945 at an average of $287 per family.

Six Categories


Assistance provided by WE CARE

Each program we provide falls into one of these categories that aligns with our mission.

featured campaign
goal image

WE CARE Ministries Christmas Program

Help provide Christmas gifts, food, and clothing for those in need right here in Weakley County this December...

days to go

Join Our Mission


Giving a Designated Donation

WE CARE Christmas in 2023...

Children and Youth
Value Given
$ 0

Direct Aid:

Everyone Needs

Help Sometimes

WE CARE Ministries offers Direct Aid for assistance with utilities and rent up to $350, requiring volunteer repay work to be done within 60 days. This is not to be seen as an ongoing handout, but a help-up.

We would like to say a big thank you to one of our star volunteers! We love and appreciate our volunteers and want to acknowledge each and every one of them. Thank you for all that you do for our community and for us! Our volunteer of the month for September is Mr. Don Jock!

'Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due ; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. ' Romans 13:7 KJV
support our ministry

Help us reach Weakley County with the love and support of people like you.